Sunday, December 6, 2020

City Dungeon: Ch 23 - How to impress a Dwarf? (Part 2)

After getting directions from the keeper, we head out to meet his cousin.

"Hi ma'am I am here to meet Darrak, is this not his shop?"

"Yes it is my dear, lemme just call him. DARRAK!!! someone's here to see ya. I am his wife Amber."

"Hello fellows, you're some nice looking bunch. You here to see me?"

I explained him the situation and he asked.

"Can I see the stone you hammered this onto."

At that moment I was thankful I carried that stone with me as evidence and I showed him that stone.

He studied the stone instead of his hammer which was confident about. He took a bite at it and even gave it a lick. His expression brightened a bit.

"This is a stone from Mount Garthos isn't it? No wonder my hammer gave up on it. Where did ya find it?"

"Hang on! you mean this stone is really that strong?" I looked at the guys with surprised look.

"Yes, no doubt. It's the strongest stone in the realm"

I pointed at Garthos and said "He gave it to me, I heard he is from the Mt Garthos and I also named him Garthos as well. He is my subordinate"

"Oh my, you are saying this elemental is from Garthos?" He walks around and gives him a pat.

Garthos gave him another stone. 

"Wow, I never thought I would live to see this day. I don't believe he is for sale, is he?"  

"Oh no!, I can't sell him, they are all my friends"

Andro, Gnas and Agalac looked at me with surprise and with weird smiles.

"How much for him?" Gnas jumped in.

"You can take my whole shop for him, he is the soul of the mountain it self. My shop is nothing compared to him"

Gnas's eyed widened and while all the talk was happening, Darrak was reaching out his hand and collecting stone from Garthos. Garthos kept producing stones I don't know from where. He really is the soul of the mountain? I wondered.

"I think you have enough stones. I have a proposal for you Darrak"

"Tell me. Anything for him."

"It's not a trade proposal, well may be it kind off is, I just need you to help us build a city. So you can come along us and work with Garthos while also getting paid."

"Don't you mean a dungeon? I was wondering what a demon like you was doing so far north here. So you want to build a city? Sounds nice but I can't leave my wife, my shop and my home here"

"I think you both should come and open your own shop in our new city. We need as many people as possible."

Darrak thinks about this new opportunity for a while and looks at his wife, "What do you think hon?"

"I don't know but this sounds like a life time opportunity to be able to build your own city that will last for centuries hopefully since we have this little guy." She scratches Garthos' head. "Also, this place isn't going anywhere we could always come back here if anything goes wrong. I think now would be right time to do it if we ever did."

"Okay then, we have a deal young demon. I will need few days time to get ready to leave."

Woohoo... "Ya that's fine, we need to look around the city here and plan for the journey ahead as well."

 Next: City Dungeoon: Ch 24 - The guys

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