Saturday, November 15, 2014

23. Ginger and the Narrator

Everybody hated Ginger, and though she knew why she was hated so much, she just could not help it. She did not want to change herself in order to to be liked by others. She believed everybody else should like her for what she was and not what she would pretend to be. Still people care not to see what she actually was. They only saw a messy and angry little kid as if possessed by some evil spirit. They despised her, hated even a sight of her. But I liked her because I have known her like nobody else did.

You see, Ginger was lonely as she grew up. After her parents died, as a child there was nobody to take care of her and she had to take care of herself. People would see that she did not do a good job at it but I would say, given the situation, she did very good. All the other students in her class teased her, nobody wanted to be her friends. Even the teachers despised her, as if she wore some evil spirit. And in return soon she and I would hate them all. She would pick a fight with almost everyone but always alone she would get beaten all the time. If only I were her I would throw stones on them, Bricks, chairs, whatever I would find. Poor Ginger. How I wish I were real a person and not just a narrator to this story. I would have been a friend that she desperately needs.

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